Yoga Meditation

I have distillated my years of training under multiple lineages of Yoga and Meditation into 2 main therapies for deeper healing, namely Tension Release Therapy and Trauma Healing Therapy.


Tension Release Therapy

A combination of Qigong, Yoga, Meditation practices from various traditional ancient lineages such as Baduanjin (Qigong), Wuxingzhang (Qigong), Tantric Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Deity Yoga, Zen Meditation, Tibetan Meditation and others to release deep tension withheld in the physical body and subconscious mind.

Suitable for: Highly stressed and tensed individuals, chronic pains

Trauma Healing Therapy

A combination of different traditional lineages of Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Tantra, Shamanic, Psychosomatic practices for addressing past traumatic experiences- physical, mental, emotional.

Suitable for: Highly stressed and tensed individuals, chronic pains, unresolved emotional traumas involving heavy shame/guilt/assault/bullying, major accidents and surgeries, unresolved childhood abuse, unresolved sexual abuse, OCD, addictions, PTSD (Psychological Trauma), Dissociative Identity Disorder, Compulsive behaviours, multiple eating disorders

Xiang Jun Lim